Then today, at last, the moment I've been waiting for finally arrived: the principal at a local private Christian school called me up to see if I could substitute for a second grade class on Friday. Well, it's a start. I happily agreed. And, although, to be honest, the idea of being stuck in a room for five hours (it's a half-day [thank God]) with twenty-two seven- and eight-year-olds completely terrifies me, I'm looking forward to the change of scenery. Not that I don't cherish the warm glow of my laptop screen against my retinas for hours upon hours, day after day; but my fish, Bludough, and I have simply run out of things to say to each other.
This afternoon, in an unceremonious act of celebration for myself, I assembled a delectably rich peanut butter cream pie. The recipe came from Vegan with a Vengeance, which is still easily my favorite cookbook ever. I swear, it tasted as good as it looks. If not better.
In conclusion, I like this band. I just bought their new album and it is good.
Now that I know that's not pure PB in a pie shell, I feel better about it.
Ahem...because we're friends, please take this comment in the most gentle spirit in which it is meant: "pursuit" is the more conventional spelling.
Oh goodness, thanks, Vicki. Maybe that's why I've been having such a hard time securing a job...
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